Dr. med. Corina Röscheisen
Dr. med. Corina Röscheisen
Doctor of Opthalmology FMH
Specialist for opthalmology, laser surgery and advanced laser surgery
Curriculum Vitae
1999 |
2004 |
2004 |
2006 |
2008 |
2009 |
since 2009 |
- German
- English
- French (basic)
- Italian (basic)
- Cataract diagnostics
- Glaucoma
- Aesthetic wrinkle treatment
- Ametropia
- Retinal diseases
- Age-related macula degeneration (AMD)
- Consultations for children
- Corneal diseases
- Dry eye
Schweizerische Ophtalmologische Gesellschaft SOG
SOG Glaucoma Group
Swiss Academy of Ophthalmology
Deutsche Ophtalmologische Gesellschaft DOG
Sektion Uveitis der DOG
Bundesverband der Augenärzte BVA
American Academy of Opthalmology AAO
Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology ARVO
European Association for Vision and Eye Research EVER
European Society of Retina Specialists EURETINA
Zürcher Ärztegesellschaft AGZ
Zürcher Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft ZOG